The Key to FAA Medical Security
Each FAA medical exam is a “medical check-ride“
and a potentially grounding event. Aviation Medical Examiners (AME’s) often discover conditions or issues which require extensive documentation prior to the issuance of a medical certificate. Usually pilots are not prepared for this.

The FAA’s 1000 acre facility in OKC
The additional workload, and FAA regulations, require AME’s to defer the application to the FAA Medical Certification Division in Oklahoma for processing. This delays the pilot by several months and reduces the likelihood of favorable results.
Pilots can be confident they are prepared for the FAA medical exam with a confidential pre-certification assessment by Pilot Medical Solutions.
Confidential pre-certification planning virtually eliminates premature applications and unnecessary grounding.
Pilot Medical Solutions also provides personalized support through pro-active FAA medical case management. We work directly with private physicians to retrieve, review, organize, and submit medical records required by the FAA.
Our relationship and close proximity to the FAA’s Aeromedical Certification Division permits virtually immediate delivery of records and expeditious processing. This hands-on approach is a proven method developed and utilized by Pilot Medical Solutions alone.
Great to work with, very knowledgeable about
the FAA’s requirements.”
Dr. Warren Silberman
FAA Medical Certification Chief 1997-2011
Everyone Wins
With Pilot Medical Solution’s Pre-certification case management, treating physicians receive unrestricted clear communication regarding the FAA’s requirements. Our office collaborates personally with each medical facility to obtain the necessary records in the least amount of time.
Since all essential documentation is available at the time of the FAA examination, AME’s save valuable timeonce lost to tracking down records or waiting for special authorization. AME’s may issue a medical certificate rather than defer a pilot’s application.
The FAA’s workload is reduced too. Almost 50% of the applications received by the FAA are incomplete or contain incorrect information. This requires the FAA to spend a great deal of time reviewing records and sending letters requesting additional information.
Pilot Medical Solutions provides the FAA with an organized and complete case permitting an immediate decision.
Airlines and Corporate Flight Departments
Pilot Medical Solutions provides a select group of programs designed to benefit company employees while reducing operational health-care costs. MORE
The Sooner the Better
Working with pilots and their personal physicians before a medical certificate application assures that valuable time once lost to deferred or denied applications is minimized rather than commonplace.
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