pilot medical amnesty

Confidential FAA Medical Support

pilot medical amnestyAmnesty for previously unreported medical conditions

A pilot study showed that pilots involved in fatal aircraft accidents rarely reported their use of psychotropic or neurological medications at the time of their previous FAA medical.

Many pilots are reluctant to reveal previously unreported medical issues since FAR 67.403 details adverse actions … Read More

Erwin Samuelson

Erwin Samuelson, MD, F.A.A.F.P, Senior AME

Erwin Samuelson, MD, F.A.A.F.P, Senior AME

DR Erwin Samuelson, Senior Aviation Medical Examiner

The following information outlines essential information and resources to help you obtain and retain FAA medical certification.

Very few people can’t obtain FAA medical certification. The initial determination is made by a designated FAA Aviation Medical Examiner (AME), however, the Aerospace Medical Certification Division … Read More

FAA Medical Certification 7 Things Every Pilot Should Know

The goal Pilot Medical Solutions is to provide pilots with a proactive approach to potentially challenging FAA medical issues.

This document addresses the most common reasons unsuspecting pilots may lose their medical certification.

Please consult your physician. The issues discussed here are presented here as guidelines and are not applicable … Read More

FAA Medical Questions

Aerospace Medical Association (ASMA)

David R. Hale

Pilot Medical Solutions is a regular corporate sponsor of this prestigious annual scientific meeting. Executive Director, David Hale, and has participated in numerous committees, panels, and aviation medical examiner (AME) forums.

ASMA annual meetings allow advocates and practitioners from all over the world to discuss important policies, obtain training and … Read More

FAA Medical Certification CAD WAIT REDUCED

FAA Medical Certification | CAD WAIT REDUCED

FAA Medical Certification CAD WAIT REDUCED

Pilots with some heart conditions may now be considered earlier for Special Issuance FAA medical certification.  The mandatory wait-time for some applicants with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is shorter than was previously required.

Please read carefully because, like many of the FAA’s medical policies, this is a complicated protocol and … Read More

type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea

FAA Medical Certification | Obesity & OSA

FAA Medical Certification Obesity & OSA

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).  OSA is a condition which often interrupts breathing during sleeping hours. It can jeopardize health and decrease safety.

In November 2013, the FAA proposed guidance to Aviation Medical Examiners that would have grounded pilots with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more until they … Read More

Bob Hoover Medical Back

Pilot Medical Solutions, Inc. | Bob Hoover

How Bob Hoover Got His Medical Back

Like many pilots I have talked with Bob Hoover several times over the years.  Mr. Hoover has always been very generous towards his fans and fellow aviators even though his aviation accomplishments tower above many less affable pilots.  Recently I asked Bob if … Read More